Take Rosie Lowe and FKA Twigs, mix their music and voices together, and you’ve got Malou Madi. Evolving somewhere halfway between indie pop, dark pop and alternative pop, Malou Madi’s music is intriguing, even though she has only released a single track so far, entitled “Decomplicated” and released on streaming platforms during the month of April. She is a jazz musician, she has lived between Paris and New York, she masters all the stages of the production of her own songs; both fragile and strong, his voice carries us away: we listen below to his first solo track, “Decomplicated”.
Malou Madi’s music is filled with interesting aspects : skillfully placed silences, layered voices, dissonant rhythms, electro-organic instruments… everything is there & everything intertwines beautifully. Few artists are capable of playing with silence so well, using pauses the same way they would use an instrument ; Malou Madi takes us on a journey where anxieties, existential questions, sudden realizations and a feeling of ease go hand in hand. “Decomplicated” is an internal monologue that tells stories of desires for things that are essentially incompatible ; a race for inaccessible things which ultimately leads to doubt, to self-fragmentation.
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Malou Madi skillfully plays with both electronic and organic instruments that then carefully intertwine ; having played for many groups and personalities including Kahdja Bonnet, Jennah Bell and Emily King, she has learned about music and refined her ear over the years. While being largely inspired by renowned artists such as Bonnie Banane, Feist or Sabrina Claudio, she is also greatly inspired by Brazilian music which, in her own words, tells existential crises in a very peaceful way. Even though “Decomplicated” is her first ever solo track, she has more music coming out in the next few months, and we have to say that we are going to keep a very close eye on what she releases next.
Malou Madi is to be found on all streaming platforms. You can also follow her on Instagram !
– discovered through Groover.